1. CIPS reccommendation is very dangerous. It looks that they never visit to the regions out of Jakarta. How come that they emphasize more on import. This creates more dependency over the food overseas. CIPS suggestion is contrast to what John from ANU suggests to avoid that such kind of dependency. I agree more with John who said the importance of food diversity rather than spoiling our consumers with CIPS dangerous import policy. Emphasizing food import has nothing to do at all with food security and sustainability.

  2. Minute 13:13 onward on "Data and argument about nutritious diet". I see there is a misleading problem on how we define what is it call as "nutritious diet". Many people including scientist and researchers has taken the definition of Nutiritious diet from American Diet or say Global Diet (WHO?) recommendation and definition about diet. Let's put it in simple way, "Just because I don't eat meat, it doesn't mean that I can afford to buy meat than you count me at the bottom of the scale. Now What is in your plate to be qualified or considered "Nutritious Diet"?

    Here's what in my Lunch Plate:

    – A big chunk of Tuna, my neighbor gave me this morning as I helped him pull out his boat when landing on the beach.
    – A lot of veggies, I plant on my garden. I didn't buy veggies on the supermarket own by capitalist .. and therefore, I didn't contribute to the data of veggies consumption as many of this data is taken from food supply chain .. supermarket and modern market.

    – I didn't eat rice, as we produce lots of cassavas and sweet potatoes in our villages, and again, my cassava did not recorded in the statistics…

    that just to illustrate millions of people who are living in country sides and villages. We share similarities in our food consumption: Waht we have on our lunch plate. And that is missing from the quantification in your research. And therefore, we are listed as "poor"

    but by the way, we are happy to be considered poor people by those who eat lots of meat and contribute to greenhouse gas by eating more meat. Yeaayyy…

  3. selamat sore, boleh minta bahan webinarnya ?

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