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    Subtitle available in 🇮🇩 & 🇺🇸 & 🇩🇪 & 🇵🇱

  2. im so hungry after watch this video 😀

  3. Trimakasih sudah mengenalkan makanan khas indonesia ke dunia

  4. nice my you vlog

  5. When you visit bali please visit ceraki bali cooking class,balinese cooking class where you learn alot.of balinese spices,and cook with traditional process

  6. You speak slowly and very polite…nice to see you.

  7. the famous food for tea time i prefer Fried Banana and fried tempeh, and drink with coffee and makes me feel happy. my moms always cook it for me, and so simple to cook it. or if you like something simple and sweet, you may try ketan hitam, or kacang hijau. but it's can serve without sugar. traditional food and very delicious.

  8. Wow looks so fun! What a fun way to blend in with the culture. Always fun to see you try new stuff. Loved the video quality as well, So peaceful to watch keep it going my friend!

  9. She get problem with *tempe as Vegan? Weird

  10. indonesia is soo beautiful and i love the energy and people there. the food too of course 😉

  11. Papaya soup in balinesse called "jukut gedang", "jukut" is for food that made from vegetables in balinesse👌
    Hope it will help u a bit 😁

  12. Such a great video friend! There are a lot of balinesse food you can try such as lawar, ayam betutu, babi guling etc, for vegan food I recommend you to try serombotan balinesse salad tipat cantok and also rujak👌
    Hope u both have a great time in bali ❤

  13. Whoa, that banana leaves are super expensive. People just get them for free here. I need to charge my neighbors now for the leaves.

  14. try eating rendang.

  15. Kalian pasangan yang serasi 👍

  16. I love your videos it's different from typical Bali cinematic tourists videos. You actually interact with locals and try a lot of normal activities.

  17. the edit is so beautiful, the place is beautiful, you both are beautiful, the whole video is so entertaining.

  18. I like it how he said eating green tomato's is nice, yes if you like stomach cramps and diarrhea it's very nice.

  19. Mantap,mengenalkan budaya Indonesia ke dunia walaupun anda bukan anak bangsa kami🇲🇨👍

  20. Saya belum melihat kalian makan nasi padang😄

  21. Rasanya pasti enak dan pedas iya kan…

  22. Mantap/amazing Mr and sister i leki't vedio and strong succes always for you

  23. Through this video,we can see how rich we are in nature. We are blessed everyone

  24. Nice 😀😀😀

  25. Germany have a story with indonesia shoulders germany living in mega mendung..

  26. Should make gado gado , krawu or something like that the best veg food Indonesia

  27. trtrimakasi sudah mengnal indonesya lebihlebih dalamdalam negaranegara cinta dadamay

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