1. Please don't fall or get hurt, we need you out here. Love all your videos bro, you rock and opened my eyes to a whole bew world. 🍻 Cheers and God bless

  2. Nice one mate….you have plenty bottle to do that first Trail especially on your own. RegardsRobbie

  3. I am sure Life over there is not Perfect all the time……. But from what you are showing to us STL, It looks pretty dam close…… I watch every second because you make it Mesmerising….. So Thanks for that…. :-)))

  4. Six different Advertisement Breaks 🤷‍♂️

  5. Hi, I've been enjoying your Indonesia adventure…. Question please, is the Indonesia visa still 30 days or can you extend? 30 days is no where near enough for a country that size.

  6. Incredible!

  7. By far the best video in the series, thank you!

  8. I was a little worried when you went up that scree, glad you survived 😯🌋. Can't wait for your next installment. I totally agree with you on the dual pricing debate and the health and safety issues, just apply common sense and don't depend on others all the time.

  9. Really enjoyable! I lived in Phuket in the 90's and went to Sumatra several times, and climbed Sinabung and Sibayak. In Bukit Lawang I remember "inner tube rafting" down the river and back by bus! Seems to be all the same- except the Sinabung eruptions.

  10. There's the regular price. Then there's the discount for locals.
    See how a different angle changes the perspective…
    Even the tuk tuk drivers know how it works 😂😂😜😜

  11. With the number of Bangkok plates on BMW, Mercs and Landcruisers that I see in national parks, they are probably earning as much as the rest of us. The poor and rural Thai people can't afford holidays.

  12. Good video 🙏🏻

  13. I definitely wouldn't have gone anywhere near the edge of that volcano, I'm clumsy at the best of times. Great video as always, Sidie- thank you!!

  14. Evening, yet another wonderful video. Concerning the dual pricing and safety concerns, thanks for bringing these issues up and creating a place for discussion. As far as dual pricing is concerned – those who are complaining (in my opinion) are those who can more than afford it. Most travellers from the West, even those on a tight budget, have way more disposable income to play with than most if not all locals. Most of us choose to travel thru Asia not only for the culture and beauty but because of the low costs involved, especially with regards to food and accommodation so the added few dollars per day in additional charges for activities are actually a minimal addition to the overall cost of your adventure, in other words just deal with it. Concerning the safety aspect – I believe that it is time people started to take more responsibility for themselves, stop depending on someone else to ensure things are safe for you – use common sense and take precautions and you should be fine, if at all worries just ensure you have a good travel insurance policy and get on with enjoying your holiday. 😉😉😊😊😁😁

  15. Plenty of wow – luv the rawness of the volcano and that sulphur puff – amazing – Bukit Lawang looks a real treat 👌👋🙏👍

  16. This is NO time to post a video. (4am here). Now I'm torn between getting my work done, and watching this video 😅

  17. As always another fantastic video. Thanks to you I am addicted to Koh Samui now but after this series I might have to change up my next travel plans. LOL

  18. Per the Dual Pricing, I always look at the added freedom you get in most Asian countries as part of the appeal. Compared to the endless rules & restrictions in countries like Canada, England & Switzerland, it makes me realize & appreciate the freedom & being responsible for ones self instead of the endless Nanny State. Your videos should make it on to a TV Series they are that well done.

  19. You talked about you ranting, but actually you hardly ever rant, but since you brought it up, I agree with everything that you said and I enjoyed the video

  20. Really enjoying this series, more places to put on my list to visit, thanks for doing such good recon work!

  21. Not ranting STL. I agree entirely with your sentiments regarding complaints by foreigners who want everything cheap but also want the same standards as back home. They should stay home and leave these places to us. Also thank god you didn’t fall into the caldera, SIDE TRIP DEATH is not a good channel name.

  22. The orangutan at the end. Wow

  23. Hiya. STL.
    Wow. What an intro. Congratulations 46K
    Breakfast looked so good. Those pink curtains are wild. Lol. The Barbie song comes to mind. 🤣That was a long drive. Love his name, Mr. Moon.
    Great hike. True about pricing. Heard a few people complaining about that. But when you put it that way. So true. Sharing your thoughts and feelings is not ranting.
    Great footage and views. Spectacular. Wow. The viewer would agree. Great hike.
    Going down was sketchy. Gosh. Turned my stomach. Lol.
    Hard to leave their homes, but safer. Loved the footage. Nice to see you hiking. And great to see you having a good time. The sound of the ladies laughing. So funny.
    Always informative. Your food looked good. Great video. Have a great week. Can not wait for the next one

  24. The dual pricing doesn’t bother me too much, it’s not really that much money, it’s usually only a couple dollars difference……the views were awesome hiking and from the top, I lot of it looked like the big island of Hawaii…..great video STL!

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