1. Thanks for watching episode 3! That jackfruit rendang might be the TOP dish of 2020 so far! Follow us here : https://www.instagram.com/chopsticktravel & https://www.facebook.com/chopsticktravel

  2. if u dont know yet Bill Gates and WEF crooks are currently trying to displace these ppl and acquire their lands, all in the name of climate change.

  3. жесть))) за паразитами съездил

  4. At lady's kitchen there are chickens inside kitchen

  5. What is the name of this beautiful place and where is it located in Indonesia

  6. nangkah muda yang di masak mengunakan santan kelapa itu sangat enak sekali

  7. If Europe has cheese, if Japan has sake, if North Korea has kimchi, then Indonesia has all fermented foods or drinks: Tape, Yeast, Tempoyak, Chiu, Peyeum, Tempe, Oncom, Bekasam, Tuak, salted fish, shrimp paste, Brem, Dadiah (Indonesian yogurt), Tauco, Soy sauce, Cuko, and many more…

  8. Bule lidah Indonesia 🤩🤩

  9. Man, you are in my hometown now I feel homesick and hungry 😋 Nex time come with me so many interesting things you haven't explored yet

  10. slamat b'libur d'bumi Nusantara Sumatra Indonesia memang keren syurga dunia lengkap dengan makanan sehat nya

  11. 👍👍👍👍🤤

  12. The cheap food in Sumatra is Riau. Lontong ketupat here average 7k rupiah, nasi goreng 10k rupiah.

  13. Visit West Sumatera,Indonesia for Amazing Experience
    Culinary,Culture,Nature, Realigy and More.. Something About "Wonderful Place"

  14. Langkok Langkok 😂😂 Love that

  15. 👍👍👍

  16. It's really an epic video, great job buddy! 😍❤👍👍

  17. thank you for coming to my country..please come again we are waiting for you

  18. Martin,you can explore Indonesia..there are alot of nature,culture and food

  19. 11:55 actually that animal kinda different from duck, some Indonesian called it entog, duck is bebek in Indonesia, but entog is entog, entog taste better and more expensive than the duck

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