1. You might need local tour guide unfortunately the food place your visit is not the best one but appreciated your effort.


  3. Thanks for visiting Jogja! Put a potato ball in your soto and mash it. It'll thicken up the broth and make the soto more delicious!

  4. why don't you explore Surakarta first ?

  5. that squishy food you ate when eating gudeg is a cow skin 😂

  6. The spirit of Yogyanese or Indonesian in general is you eat it w.i.t.h rice. So if you taste all these kinds of food especially in Yogya you will be disappointed if you taste all the 'elements' of food separately. I have to admit that this spirit is eroding with the influence of American fast food. I am a Yogya native and stayed in Yogya until I was like 24 years old so this is a local opinion.

  7. the food very sweet😁

  8. translate Indonesian bro

  9. Even as a local I dislike that brand gudeg you both ate 😂,

  10. Do not wish You can get salty food around yokyakarta except “ bakso, soto” It is Very popular that yokyakarta food are sweet. If you wanna salty food better move to other provinces of indonesia there are so many diferent taste, flavor salty or super spicy food all over indonesia. Kind like if you go to east Java whic is Surabaya you will find food mostly salty. If you go Bali you will find food mostly salty and hot. If you go sumatra you will find, tick and salty of nasi padang and several curry l

  11. Guys… I'm sorry to tell you that The bakpia you bought, is actually not the traditional bakpia that Yogyakarta is famous with. It is literally cake which is called BAKPIA. People do make innovation here in Yogyakarta.

  12. Most Jogjakarta meals are sweet

  13. 8:31
    it's Geplak. Made from crussed rice, coconut, pandan leaves, and lots of sugar. It's so sweet I love to snack it sometimes.

  14. Try WARMINDO. It's Indomie the next level.

  15. Just use your hand when you want to cross the street. Raise your hand directly to vehicles just like u say hi to people. They will slow down.

  16. Welcome to Yogyakarta, glad you enjoy the trip.

    Just little suggestion, when you guys plan to visit certain city of Indonesia and try its local food, try to ask a guide from local or a guide from your subscriber.

    They will direct you to try the best current city has to offer, rather than wandering with no idea where to go, and eventually takes up most of your time =))

  17. wow you ate that cow skin like a champ! that jelly spicy thing

  18. "we tried kopi jos"
    Me: wow, fantastic
    "in hotel"
    Me: wait, what?
    "in hotel.. it taste like normal coffee"
    Me: dude, you should drink kopi joss ini place called 'angkringan' 😅 the real kopi joss taste like you drink coffee from burning wood crock.

  19. Copy joss you buy night time

  20. What thee, i dont expect you both gonna go to jogja. Yeah so much sweety food on central java, if u hate spicy i mean 😏

  21. Hallo Sarah and shungyoun, how are you, 👍🌹

  22. You should try the original bakpia, its sooooo different from bakpia tugu.

  23. Javanese food mostly sweet, not all indonesian like sweet food too lol

  24. Jogjakarta tak seramai tahun 90an.dimana banyak turis asing berkunjung di sana..sekarang sepi oleh turis asing.😂😂😂

  25. Welcome to Jogjakarta and enjoy your journey ,.keep healthy and safely

  26. You definitely did not search for this video.

  27. Central Gudeg in Wijilan Street. Beside Gudeg have special dish Lamb : sate kambing & Tengkleng Gajah…..wow very delicous.

  28. Most brown color food in Indonesia is made from Palm Sugar…..

  29. in gudeg dish you'll find the rice with gudeg (long cooked jackfruit), sambal krecek (cow skin cooked with sambal), opor soup (the yellow coconut flavour soup), maybe with tempe or tahu bacem (coconut sugared tempe and toffu) , or ayam bacem (coconut sugared chicken/chicken egg), or maybe jeroan bacem/sambal (coconut sugared cow innard/ sambal), and the kopi joss i'm sorry but using espresso doesn't make the coffee taste different because the coffee itself has already have a strong taste, the one that i knew located next to Tugu station opening at night, using not too expensive coffee and using big size glass, more like americano and they add big chunks of burning charcoals, that makes the coffee taste unique

  30. I would recommend
    Apertizer: fried tofu, bakwan,martabak telur
    Soup/salad mostly in Indonesia food is main course
    Soup : sop buntut, soto daging
    Salad : gado-gado
    Main course : rendang (beef), babi panggang andaliman (pork), udang asam manis, udang saus tiram (seafood)
    Dessert: martabak manis keju coklat

  31. Strange sweetness that will u missed one day mate… 4 sure… 😂

  32. actually you can ride commuter line to yogyakarta rather than riding a normal train. it's 10x time cheaper.

  33. Thank you for visiting our country🇮🇩

    Don't forget to also taste Indonesian specialties, such as street food & drink.
    -Culinary & Street Food : Banana Chocolate, Sate Madura, Grilled Chicken, Rendang, Nasi Padang, Malang Meatballs, Sweet Martabak Filled with Chocolate, Nuts, + Cheese, & Egg Martabak..
    -Drinks: Avocado Juice, Cendol Ice, Fruit Ice, Mixed Ice, or many more👍

  34. Javanese people are very proud of their "sweetness", almost every food and drink especially from central java are sweet, even regular iced tea is sweet by default

  35. You have a magic hand when crossing the street….use them 😀…..and that is not the real coffee joss

  36. I thin'k you must try Coffe Jos but from the Local Store, that must be different flavor

  37. Nipis is not the same as calamansi.

  38. soto ayam harus di makan dengan sambal dan kecap.. 🤤🤤

  39. guded made by jackfruit and skin cow

  40. Very expensive in restoran for coffe areng 35k

  41. Enak bngt suasana perkampungan yogyakarta lbih bnyk turis asing

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