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  2. Loncat mean Jump in English. Bakmi jump

  3. If in Indonesia, we call it " warung makan" if restaurant more fancy in our Indonesian mind

  4. Siang Foodie YouTube channel❤ ur videos

  5. Bro istg, you can tell it’s a legit noodle shop if the seller is a chinese auntie or uncle in lousy clothings, and the shop is simple and a bit grungy. You can never go wrong in restaurants like this.

  6. Pork 👎 unhealthy food

  7. Also that’s crispy garlic, not ginger

  8. That’s not water spinach, that’s choy sum

  9. Visit Indonesia again please

  10. Confess that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart the God raised him from the dead, and you will be saved..you will receive the Holy Spirit
    Repent of your sins. ("Repent" is Latin. It means "To Turn Away." Turn away from your sins, refuse to go back to who you once were.)
    Be baptized. (Be completely submerged under water)
    And the Holy Spirit will gift you.

  11. I would like to be your street food guide guys for free if you and your team go to Jakarta, Indonesia again.

  12. missing my home town (glodok), When will you made street food around Toronto, hope this pandemic will end soon.

  13. Yg baca ini tolong jelasin perkataan dia di akir video yg makanan berkuah dg rasa jahe yg kuat. Itu dia ngejelasin knp sih? Aku kurang paham pas bagian itu. Makasih

  14. 11:20
    the plate is the same as the one in my house

  15. Not every green is water spinach !! Most probably NOT in your particular case, because water spinach is seldomly used to accompany Chinese noodle dishes due to their taste mismatch. My guess is more like Chinese broccoli (Kai-lan) or choy-sin, which are more frequently used in Chinese noodle dishes.

  16. Amazing looking dumplings! What drone do you use?

  17. very very good!!!

  18. More indonesian food, like your content 👍🏻

  19. Glodok is a place of chinese hakka, not hokkien

  20. You are amazingly great food hunter. I lived in Jakarta for 60 years and have never known such places👍👍👍

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