1. Wow beautiful and amazing friend new sub–

  2. Salah 1 pantai favorite yang terkenal di anyer kabupaten serang provinsi banten indonesia adalah Pantai Pangaradan

    Tidak ada tiket masuk karena berlokasi di perkampungan.
    Lokasi nya tepat di belakang masjid agung anyer, memiliki pantai yang landai tanpa karang aman untuk renang menjadi pilihan masyarakat sekitar

    Di pantai ini pun terdapat aktivitas menangkap ikan dengan sistem tebar jaring yang telah ada sejak 200 tahun lalu
    Pengunjungpun dapat membeli ikan segar yang baru saja di tangkap

    Selalu ramai saat weekend sejak pagi hingga sore hari

    Seperti apa suasananya ???

    Kita akan Virtual Tour agar anda merasakan seperti sedang berada di lokasi

    Selamat Menyaksikan
    Semoga Menghibur & Menginspirasi


    One of the famous favorite beaches in Anyer, Serang Regency, Banten Province, Indonesia is Pangaradan Beach

    There is no entrance ticket because it is located in a village.
    Its location is right behind the Great Mosque of Anyer, it has a sloping beach without corals, it is safe for swimming, which is the choice of the surrounding community

    On this beach there is also fishing activity with a net-spreading system that has existed since 200 years ago
    Visitors can also buy fresh fish that have just been caught

    Always crowded on weekends from morning to evening

    What's the atmosphere like???

    We will do a Virtual Tour so that you feel like you are at the location

    Have a good time watching
    Hopefully Entertaining & Inspiring


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