What Are The Most Dangerous Countries In The World

What Are The Most Dangerous Countries In The World – Asia is a beautiful continent with a rich history and beautiful nature. Although there are many wonderful countries that people would like to visit, there are also quite a few dangerous countries in Asia.

There are countries in Asia that rank higher in crime than others, and these countries are the most dangerous in the Global Peace Index.

What Are The Most Dangerous Countries In The World

Myanmar has been a relatively safe country for the past decade, but the democratically elected government was overthrown in a military coup in 2021.

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In 2023, Myanmar is still under military control and the political situation is unstable and violent. Tourists are advised to avoid all trips that are no longer necessary. Foreign embassies remain in the country but cannot promise security and assistance if the current stability is disrupted.

According to the UK government, “If you decide that it is important for you to be in Myanmar, you should not draw attention to yourself and be aware. This includes knowing and following curfews and restrictions related to local customs. Violation of any rule will have consequences depending on the military situation and you will not be able to contact the embassy or your next of kin.

Common threats to Myanmar are theft, unmarked landmines, monsoons, dangerous travel and piracy. In general, this country is definitely one of the most dangerous in Asia.

The US State Department is advising citizens to avoid traveling to Iran due to the risks of kidnapping and arbitrary arrest and detention, as well as tightening measures against illegal detention. Other countries such as Australia and Canada do the same.

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This is especially true and dangerous for those with dual Iranian and American citizenship, and disproportionately affects a wide range of professions such as journalism.

Consular services and assistance are also more difficult to obtain in Iran, as the US embassy does not operate there.

If you need to travel to Iran, consider enrolling in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (or STEP) to stay up to date and be able to leave quickly and safely if necessary.

Pakistan has a long border with India and is famous for its magnificent salt mines. Most of the famous pink Himalayan salt comes from Pakistan, but Pakistan is also known for its high crime rate.

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According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, Pakistan’s homicide rate was 3.8 last year, which means that for every 100,000 people in Pakistan, 3.8 are killed. The high level of violence, the presence of terrorist groups and the high level of poverty make Pakistan one of the most dangerous countries in Asia.

After the split between North and South Korea at the start of the Cold War, the two countries went in diametrically opposite directions. South Korea is one of the most developed countries in the world, while North Korea is one of the poorest.

North Korea is also one of the most dangerous countries in Asia. This dark country is known for its repressive regime, unprecedented human rights violations and lack of social support. The murder rate is not clear to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime as North Korea does not share much information with the outside world.

Situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, Iraq and Mesopotamia were once the cradle of civilization. Iraq today has become synonymous with terrorism, war and poverty.

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The United States has fought two wars in Iraq in the past 40 years, but the country remains a hotbed of terrorism and violent crime. The latest statistics from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime for 2014 show that the rate of intentional homicide is over 10 per 100,000 people in Iraq.

Russia, which is currently fighting the largest ground war in Europe since World War II, is another very dangerous country in Asia. Russia is a country with a rich history, but notorious for unfair detentions of tourists and citizens alike.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that Russia has a homicide rate of 7.3 per 100,000 people in 2020, making it one of the most dangerous countries in Asia.

The civil war in Syria has been going on for many years, and it does not look like it will end anytime soon. The sheer volume of domestic violence makes this a very dangerous place to visit, and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that there were about 150 murders in Syria in 2018 alone.

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Given the significant scale of terrorism in Syria, the actual number of victims of violence is likely to be much higher. Syria’s political instability, repressive regime, terrorism and violence make it one of the most dangerous countries in Asia.

Yemen, located on the coast of the Middle East, is one of the most dangerous countries in Asia. This country is known for widespread disease, famine and terrorism. The humanitarian crisis is one of the worst in the world, making Yemen a dangerous place to live and visit.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that Yemen’s homicide rate is around 6.8. Considering terrorism, drug trafficking and human trafficking in Yemen, it is one of the most dangerous countries in Asia.

Afghanistan has been in a near constant state of war for the past 40 years. Afghanistan, which in addition to several periods of civil war was at war with Russia and the United States, remains one of the most dangerous countries in Asia and the world.

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Afghanistan, a criminal hotbed of terrorism and violence, is not a safe country for anyone. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime estimated Afghanistan’s homicide rate at 6.7 in 2018, but the actual death toll could be much higher. Implementing health and safety measures is essential for any business, especially in high-risk industries. to protect workers from accidents and death. However, health and safety standards vary greatly around the world.

Occupational health and safety consultants analyze the average workplace death rate per 100,000 workers worldwide to determine which countries and industries are the most hazardous and safe for workers.

The study found that Bhutan in South Asia is the most dangerous country on average across all industries with a death rate of 31.9 per 100,000 people per year. Southeast Asian country Timor-Leste followed with 29.2 deaths per 100,000 workers.

By comparison, Iceland, the most peaceful country since 2008, has no occupational deaths per 100,000 workers, as have Malta and San Marino.

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In France, which is known for its strict enforcement of health and safety legislation, the average workplace death rate across all sectors was 2.55. The UK was named the ninth most dangerous country with a death rate of 0.83.

According to the study, the mining sector was ranked as the most dangerous sector in 21 percent of countries such as Uzbekistan, Sweden and Spain. Mining deaths were highest in Egypt, with 75.24 deaths per 100,000 workers.

Unsurprisingly, the results show that real estate is the most dangerous sector in Egypt, with a death rate of 145.99. But in other countries, this sector was not considered the sector with the highest risk.

The results showed that agriculture, forestry and fisheries are the most dangerous sectors in 12 countries. The highest death rate in the industry was in Guadeloupe (58.21), followed by the United States (57.4). Industry is also the leading cause of workplace deaths in the UK, at 10.14 per 100,000 workers.

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Among all economic activities included in the study, the average global fishing mortality rate is 15.96. The industry was the deadliest in Canada, with a death rate of 27.32 per 100,000 workers.

Risk factors for fishing safety include working in unpredictable weather, open water and at height. Including transportation of dangerous equipment.

Mining was the second most dangerous sector with an average death rate of 14.09. It was followed by agriculture, where 11.26 people died in the workplace.

In construction, which is considered the fourth most dangerous sector, the average death rate in the world is 10.24, while the highest rate in the Republic of Moldova is 44.7. With a global death rate of 9.88 in Macau and a death rate of 83.33 per 100,000 employed, electricity, gas and water round out the top five riskiest sectors.

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Administrative and support services, which include low-risk roles such as office managers, call center operators and travel agents, were named the tenth most dangerous sector. The industry’s average global death rate was 3.29, with the highest rate at 34.24 in Egypt.

Household activities as employers, which may include maids, teachers, and cooks, had the lowest mortality rate among sectors, at 0.33. This industry had the highest mortality rate in Finland at 10.04.

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